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Updated: Nov 23, 2022

To our treasured members,

With all the media coverage of COVID-19, a.k.a. novel coronavirus, we would personally like to assure you that at PAV, we are doing all we can to try to prevent the spread of any illnesses. It is our hope that everyone is keeping their eyes on the science rather than only the news channels. Not only will that give you more accurate information, it will also keep your anxiety at more manageable levels!

As telehealth staff/clinician, we strongly encouraged that you follow the Center for Disease Control guidelines.

At PAV, we are fortunate to have the option of conducting our sessions via phone or video, also known as telehealth sessions.

Cancellation and no-show policy will continue to be as such: we ask for a 24-hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. We also ask that if you or a family member has symptoms of COVID-19, please take care of your health and do cancel. Should our staff or anyone close develop symptoms, we will alert you immediately to cancel or reschedule. As always, there is grace within our policy and we understand circumstances that prevent your presence at your session were unforeseen or emergent.

Some general hygiene notes: Please refrain from handshakes, hugs, or other contact for the duration of the outbreak. Please cover your mouth and nose, preferably with your sleeve or a tissue, when you sneeze or cough. Please wash your hands with regularity and stay at home unless otherwise. We hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


PAV Team

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